Plastic Grocery Bag

These are the written instructions for sewing a cloth replica of the plastic “Have a nice day!” bags you get from convenience stores.

1. Print/Assemble pattern

Here is a PDF copy of the pattern.

You can also trace your own plastic bag, which is how I created this pattern in the first place.

2. Cut out fabric

Place the pattern along the fold and cut 2 identical.

3. Assembly

If your fabric has a right and wrong side, place the two identical pieces right-sides-together (RST). Sew the top and side seams using 1/2″ seam allowance.

Turn the project inside out. If your fabric has a right and wrong side the wrong sides will now be facing each other.

Push the side seams into the bag toward the middle roughly 3 1/4″. If you’re not sure where to stop when folding them in, lay it on the paper pattern for reference or mark a line 3 1/4″ from the bag’s edge beforehand. The result will look like this:

The raw edges of the handles should line up.

Stitch along the bottom of the bag using 1/2″ seam allowance. Make sure to leave extra thread on the edges so that it can be properly tied-off/secured (this seam lives on the outside of the bag).

Unfold the handles and finish the raw edges. This completes your bag!

4. Finishing Touches

Adding an elastic loop allows you to secure the bag when it’s folded up.

Happy sewing!






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